Sandbag.Fitness- Our Story
I know there is a struggle out there to find an affordable gym membership that doesn’t result in aimless wandering through gym equipment with little idea what to do or how to structure an effective workout. I know that experience because it was my experience. I was then fortunate enough to discover Crossfit and High-Intensity Interval Training while living abroad. Unfortunately, when I moved back to the states, I just couldn’t justify spending $150-200 dollars on a monthly membership to a CrossFit gym, so I started training on my own, outside at parks, open-fields, tracks, etc, taking what I learned from my Crossfit experience to program my own workouts. It was then that I realized that every movement, lift, or skill that can be done with a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell inside a gym could be done outside with a single piece of equipment- the sandbag! It is the single most versatile piece of training equipment one can use.

Soon after, I realized this simple solution cost-effective solution could and should be available to everyone. And, that is why I am starting Sandbag.Fitness - a small group, coach-led fitness class that incorporates all the fundamentals of functional fitness- strength, mobility, endurance, high-intensity interval training- by using a weight-adjustable sandbag for an exciting one-hour outdoor workout. This class is for everyone, not matter where they are one their fitness journey, as every skill, movement, exercise is infinitely scalable! If you were like me who feels lost on their fitness journey just wasting their precious time at the gym and would like part of a community that will keep you motivated, we would love to hear from you and hopefully, welcome you to the Sandbag.Fitness family!